Monday, June 5, 2017

Week 44

Ya so anyway this week was the same as the other 40 that I've been through haha but I suppose I will still fill you in...

On Wednesday we had a Family Home Evening activity with one of the converts up in the hills and we invited tons of people that live up there to go. Because we always do FHE´s in our pension's house on Monday nights but attendance has been lessening and its kinda far away so we decided to do it up there. Everyone said that they would come but then ended up bailing... We at least had one investigator come and two members so we taught the 10 commandments with different signs that you do with your hands to remember them and ate some stuff so it was pretty chill. 

I went on divisions with our District Leader on Thursday and that was fun. Divisions are always pretty weird but he is a cool guy from Chile. He lives right outside of Santiago. I always tell people that Laura went to Santiago and they always ask what part and whatnot but i dont remember so help me out on that so i at least can have a connection with the Chileans. 

We had a zone attack in one of the sister´s areas on saturday morning. Kinda borning but its cool to help out the other areas. If you dont know what that is, the whole zone gets together and hits up an area and just splits up and contacts and whatnot to help them out. We found just this ghetto little passageway in the middle of nowhere and found 2 new investigators so that was cool. 

Yesterday was fast sunday and that is always a win-lose haha. I was especially hungry this fast because i had diarrhea just before, not during, and then after i broke it.(dont put that on my blog) But ya so we ended our fast eating with the bishop and he is super cool. He served in NY in the same mission as Bart im pretty sure. He speaks english and everything so that is cool. 

We gave a blessing to this less active member famlies grandma this week, it was really cool. The parents arent members because they arent married but she is and so is the grandpa and the kids. She pretty much on her death bed and we found them and they asked us to give her a blessing and we blessed her just that the Lord`s will would be upon her and that if it be ther Lord`s will that she could go in peace because the family is really struggling having to take care of her and pay for her. There was a super strong spirit there. 

Transfers are this next week so i will fill you guys in on monday if im going...i think im probably bouncing but we will see what happens. 

Cool doctrinal thing i found out this week in my reading of Jesus the Christ is that Judas Iscariot is a son of perdition... 

But anyway good week, im doing fine. Thanks for everything. 

Much Love,

Elder Mortenson

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