Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Week 58

 So ya I honestly don't know how to start each email so I just say "what's up? Another good week" because the weeks are all the same but maybe I will be more creative next week...

On Wednesday we went to the Council of the Twenty, pretty cool. It lasted until like 3 in the afternoon because president changed it so now every zone has to present a slideshow of what was achieved and how and the new goal and new plans. It was cool, I am probably going to borrow a lot of ideas. Our zone actually had the most baptisms of any other this month so that was cool.  E. Garate gave his last testimony there and that was cool. E. Peterson and I took a pic with him afterward and the plan is that we will take the same pic when we get home because he will be there in Provo and says that he is gonna go to the airport to receive us. 

Thursday we went to president's house and had a meeting with him that lasted from 3:30 until like 7 haha. He wasn't planning on taking so much time but he had to explain a lot of stuff about a new plan that he wants us to try out. It is pretty cool. Its about using the priesthood more and whatnot. He talked a lot about seeing miracles and people actually recognizing us as representatives of Christ, so we will see how it goes. He asked us if we wanted to get home and say that the mission was cool and we learned cool stuff or if we wanted to say that we really saw miracles happen in people's lives... Part of the plan involved us deep cleaning our apartment so we did that on Saturday. Haha We got back from exchanges at like 11 in the morning and started cleaning with the other companionship in our room and we went and ate lunch, bought supplies and then ended up finishing around 5 in the afternoon! But it was spotless and really invited the spirit. 

We had a baptism on Saturday! I got to baptize Eduardo! We invited E. Garate but Chaclacayo is way too far away so he didn't get permission and Eduardo was pretty sad about that but it was a good baptism nonetheless! He bore his testimony afterward about how he knew the church was true and how he had prayed about the Book of Mormon and whatnot and talked about his desires to serve a mission in a few years and share what he felt. It was super cool. 

Sunday was Fast Sunday and that was good. We ended up doing our weekly planning right after eating lunch because we hadn't done it yet. Then afterward we went to a couple of appointments and then went out with the bishop to visit this golden family that we found the other week. The husband was finally not drunk and the mom and her oldest daughter were excited to see us as always. The husband had been reading about Chastity and we talked about the role of families and whatnot and turned the time over to the bishop. He roasted the dude, but with a lot of love and gave him a 12 steps book and the guy, his name is Walter, told us that today at 8:00 he is going to propose to his wife and that they are going to get married on the 23rd in a massive marriage to be able to start their repentance. He is gonna need a lot of help but it was a super cool lesson and the wife and the daughter are super-hyped. I'll fill you guys in on how they are doing next week. 

But ya today was super chill. We watched "Inside Out" I think is what it's called in the morning and then went to the store after and then watched "Zootopia" with the whole district in the chapel. It was a pretty good preparation day. 

This week is gonna be a quick but stressful week. We have interviews with president tomorrow. On Wednesday we have to go to his house again to talk about the plan that we are doing and then we have to have our district meeting as well. Then on Thursday we have a Multi-zone and we have to give a training on how to think "outside of the box" so that will rough, idk how someone can teach that. Then on Saturday morning Elder Oaks is going to talk to us, so ya it will be cool. We scheduled exchanges with all of the elders in the zone everyday this week.... I'm excited. It is fun leading and helping others and just working in the Lord`s work. We were talking the other day about how much and how quickly the work is moving forward and how the end is nigh. Be sure to be preparing yourselves and helping others as well. Go to the temple, repent, do your home teaching etc. Those are my words of advice. 

Much Love,

Elder Mortenson

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